Your Guide

Fundraising Page in Honor or Memory

When you create an online fundraising page to honor or remember a loved one, you drive forward innovative research.

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Step 1
Tell your story
Personalize your page in minutes
As you create your page, you can set a fundraising goal, choose the area of cancer research you would like to support, and personalize it with a message, photos, and videos.
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Set a goal
To help motivate yourself and your network, you can state how much you’re aiming to raise. Edit the goal any time you like.
Select a cause
MSK is searching for new cures for more than 400 types of cancer, so you can choose to support the area that’s most important to you.
Make it personal
Share who you’re honoring and why you’re raising money. If you already have a page, go to your Dashboard to upload photos and videos and to grab suggested language.
See examples
Need some inspiration? Check out this fundraising page to gather ideas for your own.
Step 2
Spread the word
Share your fundraiser on social media and via email and text messages
Invite family and friends to donate via your personalized link. If you already have a fundraiser, log in and check your Dashboard to find tips for sharing your page.
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Customize your page link
Change your page address to a name that’s easy to remember and reflects your fundraiser.
Share your fundraiser
Send emails and texts to your network with help from templates on your Dashboard.
Send reminders
Share several times to update people on your progress, keep the momentum going, and give shout-outs to your donors.
Step 3
See the results and say thanks
Track donations and send thank-you notes from your Dashboard
Handwritten notes are also a nice touch. And don’t forget to recognize all the work you’ve done for this community that’s committed to making an impact. If you already have a fundraiser, log in to your Dashboard to track your progress and email your supporters.
Ready to get started?
Create your page
Need help?
Contact our team or reach out to your personal MSK contact.
Community Fundraising